New year, new books (Amy’s versions!) and updates

One of the benefits of being an author for a while is when I obtain the rights to previously published books. When this happens, I have the opportunity to review them, make changes, add things, and generally make them “Amy’s Version.” (Swifties will get this reference!)

This year I will be re-releasing my own versions of the novel, How Sweet the Sound, and the devotional, 40 Days of Hope for Healthcare Heroes. While exact re-release dates have yet to be determined, I can reveal the brand new cover designs. Let me know what you think!

The balance of darkness and light, the incorporation of the water, and a whimsical sprig of pecans all capture the essence of this story.

The time is perfect for re-releasing these books. As a Ph.D. in Nursing student focusing on trauma, I’ll be adding a section discussing chronic post-traumatic stress, as well as resources for survivors and their loved ones. I have a short story about Ernestine I may include. And who knows, maybe I will write a new epilogue allowing Anni and Jed a new ending (something readers have often requested!)? Are there other things you’d like to see in this re-release?

Healthcare workers will recognize the familiar icons of the stethoscope, growth, and light in the upcoming, revised edition of 40 Days of Hope for Healthcare Heroes. More space for journaling will be added, as well as a new section discussing trauma in healthcare workers. 

Sometime this year I plan to release this second volume of poetry. The title unexpectedly divides the word “metamorphosis” on purpose, meta an adjective meaning, “showing or suggesting an explicit awareness of itself or oneself,” and morphosis a noun meaning, “the mode of development of an organism or one of its parts.” This collection will feature themes of nature, trauma, growth, and more, consistent with my other works. 

Stay tuned for release dates for each of these books in 2024. Which one are you most excited for?

On the great rescue. The fourth Sunday of Advent.

But the angel said to them,
“Do not be afraid;
for behold, I bring you good news of great joy
which will be for all the people.
~Luke 2:10, AMP

Most puppies like Dot are euthanized out of compassion.

A chocolate labrador retriever, Dot was born with swimmer puppy syndrome. Her little limbs were spread out and she could only move as if a turtle paddling in water, hence the term. She would not be able to stand or walk. Unable to rise off her chest and belly, she wouldn’t be able to retain milk. Her rib cage would eventually flatten and she would slowly suffocate. No one really knows what causes the rare and heartbreaking condition, perhaps something in utero. Euthanasia is the most merciful thing to do for most of these puppies.

But Dot had a different fate. 

Dot was rescued. 

Dot’s conscientious breeder sought out a foster rehabilitation home for her, and at five weeks old she started physical therapy. 

Dot’s foster mom spent hours positioning her legs so they would strengthen, exposing her to different floor textures so she could learn to push herself upright, and turning her onto her side as she slept so her legs would slowly learn to rest in a functional position.

Slowly the miracle happened. 

Dot began to stand. 

Dot began to walk, wobbly at first.

She straightened. 

She strengthened. 

She pranced like her littermates. 

She healed.

All because she was rescued. 

In Luke 2, the angels had a message.

We are rescued.

Splayed flat by the fear and pain and darkness, we have a Savior who loves us when we appear hopeless by the world’s standards.

We have a Savior who holds our weak and weary souls until we can stand and breathe.

We have a Savior who says, “I’ll take her in.”

We have a Savior who never stops believing in us, and who is asking this Christmas Eve…

… will you believe in Him? 

As you light the fourth and final candle of Advent this evening, consider how light came to drive out darkness and to drive out fear forever.

Consider Dot’s story.

Consider your story.

Consider the Christmas story and the angels’ message of love, an everlasting love, the greatest joy offered just for you.

Dear friends, it has been a privilege sharing this Advent season with you. I hope and pray these stories have blessed you and that you continue to be blessed as you seek and celebrate the one true Light this Christmas!

*All photos courtesy of Daphne Bryant.